gallery of past work


An ongoing series

Open hearth

91" x 61"


I've always thought of this piece as second in a series, the first of which was produced more than ten years earlier! Heart's Flame was the first in the series, and I always wanted to work more with the idea of large pieces of fabric as the central focus, with the "right" fabrics surrounding them. As I get more and more involved in the dyeing, the piecing of my work can -or must!- be simpler.


And here's the beginning of the series. When I made this piece, it was unlike anything else I'd done, but I was very fond of it. The idea of "setting" a single piece of cloth in the right environment was something that has stuck with me over the years.

There are a few more pieces continuing from this same idea, and if you proceed to the next page, you'll see them.

Heart's Flame

71" x 46"

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